Angela Andrews was born in Orbost, Victoria Australia, in 1961. She is second of the three Andrews' children. All her colleagues, friends and family affectionately call her, Angie.
At the age of thirteen, while at Boarding School, Angie wrote her first book of poems, and now she is a distinguished member of The International Society of Poets, as recipient of the 2008 International Award for Outstanding Achievement in Poetry.
At the age of nineteen, Angie started her career in television and became one of Australia's leading commercial models. For the next fifteen years, she worked on advertising promotions with Paul Hogan, comedy sketches on the Don Lane show with Bert Newton, acting in mini-series like Five Mile Creek with Nicole Kidman, and many more. Angie was also one of the famous Big-M Girls on promotional campaigns for the household-name brand of flavoured milk.
In 1995, Angie completed a diploma in Freelance Journalism at the Australian College of Journalism in Sydney, Australia.
Her first four books on the subject of Stranger Danger / Relative and Friendly Danger, beautifully illustrated by her talented mother Nina Andrews, were published in 1996. The series has proved incredibly useful for counselling, and so impressively constructive are these literary works it prompted a letter of recommendation from Dr. John Irvine, co-founder of The READ Clinic in Gosford, north of Sydney.
In 2009, the books "Aussie Moments", and "The Adventures of Nature Family" were published. Nina Andrews - good ol' mum - wielded paint and palette again, to illustrate the covers of both books.
Angie's latest book, Cookin' for Cures is a guide to help people learn how to include Aloe vera gel in delicious recipes and drinks.
Australia sees some amazing extremes of weather. Sometimes lightning starts bushfires, so we have to be prepared to help.
Being a wild life rescuer, we were given a young koala when our town was affected by a local bushfire.
The koala had singed fur and second degree burns to all four paws, nose and ears. He was quite a sore and sorry fellow.
By placing the Aloe vera onto the burns straight away and holding it on with gauze bandage, the paws did not blister. His fragile ears healed quickly, and in a week the koala was returned back to the wilderness.
by Angie Andrews
A4-size Full-colour 120-page Cookbook delivered to your home. Bonus: 3 FREE RECIPE CARDS for immediate download after the purchase of this cookbook. Consider ordering the eBook edition if you would like to avoid postage fees.
5th Edition! Amazing Aloe Vera will help build your immune system! Cookin' for Cures is certainly the answer to all of your culinary concerns! PDF suitable for e-readers, tablets and personal computers, ready for immediate download after purchase.
by Angie Andrews
This is our debut issue! It's all about how Aloe Vera helps to heal our animals. 6-page PDF suitable for e-readers, tablets and personal computers, ready for immediate download after purchase. You may print-out this magazine for free distribution only amongst family and friends.
This is our second issue. It is all about how Aloe Vera can help us to heal ourselves. 6-page PDF suitable for e-readers, tablets and personal computers, ready for immediate download after purchase. You may print-out this magazine for free distribution only amongst family and friends.
Maxine is a miniature fox terrier who once had arthritis. - Click to Read More »
Australia sees some amazing extremes of weather. Sometimes lightning starts bushfires, so we have to be prepared to help. - Click to Read More »
Healthy Living with Aloe Vera Fact File #1 - Click to Read More »
Fancy, a little black miniature schnauzer, was terribly sick. So on the Monday morning, Sharon decided to take her to see the vet. - Click to Read More »
Toby, an eight year King Charles Cavalier, was found to have a large cancerous tumor in his mouth. Surgery wasn't an option. - Click to Read More »
To ask a question, or tell us about your Aloe vera experiences, use the online form on our contact us page. - Click to Read More »
One day, Maxine forgot how small she really is, and was viciously attacked by another, much bigger dog. - Click to Read More »
While Tom was away for the weekend, two of his horses were savagely attacked by dogs. - Click to Read More »
At first it seems like a chore, but with time it becomes second-nature. - Click to Read More »
The years fly by so fast it's a good job we have the seasons to guide us. Here are some ways you can take care of your plants so that they grow well and endure the extremes. - Click to Read More »
I once had four lovely and healthy layer hens. - Click to Read More »
It's amazing how the Aloe vera plant adapts to the extremes of the seasons. - Click to Read More »
We all have bacteria, fungus and other germs in our bodies. The mouth is the main gateway for these things to to get inside us. - Click to Read More »
These amazing Miracle Doggie Treats are an excellent way to reward your pet, and feed them some immune-boosting Aloe Vera at the same time. Delicious! - Click to Read More »
My hands were feeling stiff and the joints in my fingers were swelling and becoming very sore. - Click to Read More »
Cookin' for Cures is my seventh book. It is doctor-endorsed, and it helps people learn how to use the Aloe vera plant in their food, drinks and topically for themselves and their pets. - Click to Read More »
G'day everyone,
It's Angie here wishing you a wonderful day full of all the great things that life can bring!
Thanks for visiting my website :) If you have any feedback, suggestions, comments or complaints, please don't hesitate to send me an email using the online form here on this page →
Warm regards,
Angie Andrews.
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