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New Website & Graceville Gallery Opening Night


Time to explore our new website. Steve and Glenn join Graceville Gallery…

Hey there folks, this is Steven Walker and Glenn Wallace from the "Happy Pink People crew, here to announce that "Happy Pink People version 2" is up and running.

What we have done is build a fantasy land with different places to go, more artists to meet, and a big welcome to the fine folks who display and support our work as artists.

Introducing New Galleries

Works by James Nicola, Trudy Rowe, Steve Walker, Glenn Wallace.

With much of the site under construction we welcome those, or anyone who may be interested in contributing works to please get into contact with Glenn or myself. We aim at exposing artists and building a virtual community for all to see. It's about networking with folks, contacts, links - letting the world know you're alive and creating.

We are also very proud to announce that the "Graceville Gallery" is re-opening its doors. Official Opening Night, Friday 31 August, 2007 6pm - 8pm - Shop 6, 473 Oxley Road, Sherwood QLD 4075.

Eureka! A new site has been found - The Satellite

Principals/Artists, Charlee Pollard, Glynis Hood and Helen Clark have welcomed myself (art) and Glenn (design and web) to come on board as Members (Sub Committee), We have thankfully said yes.

This means I will have current and new artworks on display/sale at the Gallery alongside the Works of the Ladies and monthly 'Feature Artists'. You will also be able to find me there every Saturday with Glenn, and other days whenever required:)

Health, Happiness and Prosperity to all :)


Welcome to Happy Pink People at last - at long last, I hear!


Hey there folks and welcome to Happy Pink People - version 2! We know we said April/May, but better late than never at all..

Finally we've landed! It's been a very busy period since our last update. Now we say ' welcome' to our fantasy land of artists, galleries of works, happenings, people who support us, and the good folk of the greater world about us. The world is exploding with progress and the disease of stress continues to invade the helpless everywhere. This is where we look at our priorities, and the happy pink people all concur that it's all about good intentions, bringing your life experience to the project table, always good times with great friends - but definitely most importantly - it's all about the ART!

My name's Steven Walker, and I am an artist like you! With web ace/photographer and co-director, Glenn Wallace, we're immensely proud to bring you the star of a new era for our meek heartfelt endeavours for a better world. Here is what we really wanted to do with Happy Pink People all along! Make it fun to browse great art in our surrealistic virtual community, exposing fresh-blood artists with outrages new-world motivations, they're happenings and what they're creative world is all about from their point of view. We also mention the fine folk who support us with their support of the arts by basically putting our pretty pictures on their walls :)

Over the past 6 months we've been high and low throughout some of the greatest events and experiences of our life, and all lead simply by the will of our innovative kind defensive hearts and constructive ambitions.

Steve broke new ground with an invitation to join the lady ladies at Graceville Gallery. Mix'd Bag was their feature exhibition of the month in April, featuring works by Happy Pink People Steve Walker and Trudy Rowe. Everyone please congratulate Steve - he's been invited to join the ladies at Graceful Gallery as a regular exhibitor! This is on the back-burner until the gallery is re-established in its new premises.

Steve's Aries Sun and Glenn's Taurus Sun collided on QLD Labour Day Weekend 2nd May, with our yearly pilgrimage to the 2007 Nimbin Mardi Grass. What can I say, but we casually crash-landed into the great company of several notable rockstars - all kindred folk who are sick of the ignorance and interference bred by many high-profile businesses and politicians in all matters of sustainable development. You know all it would take to suck up all the carbon crap outta the atmosphere is if EVERYONE planted two trees a year for the next 20 years - just watch them awesome rains return fellow water-dependent lifeforms! It's truly amazing how the breeze can just carry you into such an event, into the minds, hearts and souls of just true great old-school good-times folk.

And a word to any young minds reading this - please be good to yourself, don't escalate stress, eat wholesome fresh foods and don't do drugs! They'll find the holy grail soon with what we learned about the latest in cancer vaccines, from a sponsor, at the opening night of the Robina Rotary Club Art Show Friday 29th June 2007. The crowd was simply elegant, with a spicy hint of bought-affluence. Happy Pink People, Steve Walker and James Nicola, featured some bright, deep, and downright "feather-ruffling" pieces, amongst an awesome range of brilliant works from some known, and some emerging artists, in abstract and also the more traditional categories.

Your patience has been well regarded, and we unfortunately have to ask for that to continue with any of the areas that crash or come up on your web browser as under construction. These places will all eventually fill up - we're eyeing off xmas 2007 as a good milestone for majority completion.

We welcome all types of artists to submit their work - you work will first be critiqued by the happy pink people. Once included, you'll have up to 6 of your pieces in your free happy pink people gallery online - just any 6 of your favorite creations in any category! Then simply write a few pretty and twisted words for your artist's profile - and a happy snap if you'd like too. You get that for free, so long as you show your support by linking back to us from your weblogs. We do require your best contact details, so any parties interested can get into contact with you directly. We don't offer selling services yet - we think everyone should get off their bums and flog their own awesome worth. And with us, you always retain complete ownership of your copyright - we offer products and services to help you expose your art to a make no monies from you. It's all about exposure, finding out what's going on, and basically letting people know you're out there building, envisioning, and creating interesting new outlooks on this mysterious physical universe : )

Be good, get great, and keep creating!


Rotary Club Robina Art Show


There was enjoyment for all at the opening of the Rotary Club Art Show at Robina Community Centre.

Article coming very soon. Here's some photos from the night… Robina Rotary 2007 Art Show




SAY GOODBYE to HPP 1 - there will be NO MORE UPDATES until mid/late APRIL 07.

Talk about a minefield! Anyone else I'd expect to think twice about crossing the floor of Happy Pink People HQ these past days. Now the clutter of the assembly line has subsided, Steve's awesome new show Mix'd Bag at Graceville Gallery is getting some finishing touches. We're eager to get it up on the walls at Graceville PRONTO! Lots has been going on in preparation for the next generation of the Happy Pink People online. The rough roads have assured a late delivery date, but the good news is that the network of smart bright happy awesome folk just keeps growing around this little website that started out ever so modestly just 15 months ago. So look out now, right after MIX'D BAG opens at Graceville Gallery on FRIDAY 30 MARCH 6-8PM…. May we also present Trudy Rowe's show, TIES THAT BIND, opens 4 APRIL 6.30PM at RIC's BAR in the VALLEY MALL!! Hot stuff involving some 30-year old tetanus-ridden lashing of barb-wire or something I heard too :) Lot's going on! Way busy! Stay tuned!


Announcing MIX'D BAG


All Happy Pink folk are invited to Graceville Gallery 30 March 2007 from 6pm to 8pm…

Mix'd Bag - Artworks by Steven Clay Walker - Graceville Gallery


Artworks by Steven Clay Walker

…and featuring collaborated multimedia works with Trudy Rowe!

FRIDAY 30 MARCH 2007 6pm - 8pm

Graceville Gallery
327 Honour Avenue, Graceville QLD 4075


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